Wednesday 13 June 2012

Recent Happening

Once there used to be a King..
he gave the task of building a new castle to one of his trusted Architects of that time..
That Architect used to work for the king although he didnt like the king at all..
Anyhow he started building the Castle while the king used to check on the construction everyday..
After a Year or So that Castle was completed But the Crafty architect made the foundations of the castle quite weak..

Anyhow the king was very delightful on the architect's work thus rewarding him heavily..
When the King entered the Castle, It suddenly came down resulting in the Death of the King....

The King : represents simple people who are habitual in trusting others

The architect : represents all those who are habitual of gaining other people's trust through there false stories and lies

Now its upon you to decide whether you are 
" The King or The Architect "
In other people's Life... 

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