Wednesday 13 June 2012

Recent Happening

Once there used to be a King..
he gave the task of building a new castle to one of his trusted Architects of that time..
That Architect used to work for the king although he didnt like the king at all..
Anyhow he started building the Castle while the king used to check on the construction everyday..
After a Year or So that Castle was completed But the Crafty architect made the foundations of the castle quite weak..

Anyhow the king was very delightful on the architect's work thus rewarding him heavily..
When the King entered the Castle, It suddenly came down resulting in the Death of the King....

The King : represents simple people who are habitual in trusting others

The architect : represents all those who are habitual of gaining other people's trust through there false stories and lies

Now its upon you to decide whether you are 
" The King or The Architect "
In other people's Life... 

Tuesday 12 June 2012

When It Happens

There are Feelings Hidden inside your heart,
Waiting to be converted into Words and Sentences..
but Sometimes One Doesn't Find the Courage to Say it..
This may be Due to Internal loss of confidence or Sometimes External Factors such as the presence of people, Unfavourable Circumstances or mood of the Addressee..

Something like this happened with me a few days back as i was Victimized with a same sort of Situation...

But I was happy rather than being regretful, because Sometimes this Lack of Confidence saves you from further Regret ; as was the case with me..

I know this Post is full of strange not understandable things.. 

So simply, 
What Happens, Happens For the Best!!

The Future

I just made this video based upon my life. Do check it out and provide valuable Feedback upon it.. 
(Danix Akbar)
A fast Internet Connection will Help you reduce Waiting time as it Buffers first and then Plays throughout in a flow

Saturday 9 June 2012

Consistency - Defined

In the picture here A tap is dripping water Drop by Drop, Consistently...
Well it is our observation that after sometime the stone or floor on which the drops are falling will ultimately be penetrated or to some extent distorted..
Thats What i want to tell you all today;
No matter whats the Intensity of your efforts, but if they are being consistently applied, it will finally destroy the obstacles in its path and you will finally achieve what you desire...

Friday 8 June 2012

Siachen - Lt Col Tanveer

The Body of Lt Col Tanveer Was Found From the Avalanche in Gyaari Sector, Siachen..
He was a Soldier Who was most probably from District Chakwal..

An interesting Account of his Retrieval was heard at the Funeral (Namaaz-e-janaza) when it was related that his mother had specially advised the Pak army to search for Her Son's Body in the Masjid located in the Gyaari Sector, as he used to offer TAHJJUD prayer regularly..
And In a dream A night before the Incident her son came in his dream as well..
Sources claim that Lt col Tanveer's body was found in The Masjid and in the position of prostration (Sajda)..
What a Shahaadat for the What a Man!!
Salute To Pak army and its Officers!!