Monday 26 November 2012

Quran And Facebook

One used to hear in the Childhood,

The Holy Quran is the most Widely and Often Read Book in the World..

But thanks to This Social Media, this Situation has Changed Considerably..
I regret to State this Although the Reality is,

Facebook is now the Most widely read Book in the World..

Muslims After Waking up in the Morning and Before Sleeping at Night,Update their Statuses But Dont recite the Holy Quran.

Now i Leave the Conclusion to you about what is wrong and what is right....!


People are Habitual in Forgetting Memories Really Fast..
I happen to be one of those Rare ones who Love to remember and memorize those precious moments..
Sitting Quietly on the Bed, Looking Across the Dark Walls of the room, One finds a World. A world of Happiness, Foolish little Actions and Unforgettable Gestures..

He Lays There For HOurs and Hours, Pondering upon his past; the Glory, The Failures..
And those Few Chaps Who happen to Have Such a feeling, they can surely understand the happiness that develops swiftly and steadly Within Their hearts..
Memories Of What One was, What One could've been..

Just Lay Down, Relax And Remember....

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Silent Love - Defined

Silent Love- defined
Have you ever had the feeling that you care for someone's Thinking?
That you Dont want to Have a bad impression in front of them?
That Your heart beat Rises when you see Him/her or when He/She Passes by you??

Three Straight "YEs" and You might be in love with that person.
But Believe me, It aint Love, it is Affection and Care..
This Affection and care when Intensifies results in love..

I KNOW A GUY, Who believes in Silent Love,
Not expressing what your feelings are, Directly.
Rather You give hints and omens that you love someone..
This type of Love is what inspired me..

You Go to your Loved-one and Address him
"excuse me!"
But when you recieve the attention from him/her, Words Just transfuse out of your mind and you just go blank and return Unsaid, Unheard, Unknown..!! 

Love is not what you bluntly Express, It gradually builds from the First Sight to the First word to the First Talk..

"Khuda aur Muhabbat" was a famous Pakistani Drama Made on this Concept of True Love and i do advise the readers to watch it, it will certainly clear the concept of WHAT LOVE ACTUALLY IS...

A final Word to the readers,
If you are Loving someone silently then Keep it up, A bit of patience and Truth will finally get your loved ones to know it..
But also Watch out for the Omens Other people might be silently sending you and you havent been considering them So far...

Wednesday 13 June 2012

Recent Happening

Once there used to be a King..
he gave the task of building a new castle to one of his trusted Architects of that time..
That Architect used to work for the king although he didnt like the king at all..
Anyhow he started building the Castle while the king used to check on the construction everyday..
After a Year or So that Castle was completed But the Crafty architect made the foundations of the castle quite weak..

Anyhow the king was very delightful on the architect's work thus rewarding him heavily..
When the King entered the Castle, It suddenly came down resulting in the Death of the King....

The King : represents simple people who are habitual in trusting others

The architect : represents all those who are habitual of gaining other people's trust through there false stories and lies

Now its upon you to decide whether you are 
" The King or The Architect "
In other people's Life... 

Tuesday 12 June 2012

When It Happens

There are Feelings Hidden inside your heart,
Waiting to be converted into Words and Sentences..
but Sometimes One Doesn't Find the Courage to Say it..
This may be Due to Internal loss of confidence or Sometimes External Factors such as the presence of people, Unfavourable Circumstances or mood of the Addressee..

Something like this happened with me a few days back as i was Victimized with a same sort of Situation...

But I was happy rather than being regretful, because Sometimes this Lack of Confidence saves you from further Regret ; as was the case with me..

I know this Post is full of strange not understandable things.. 

So simply, 
What Happens, Happens For the Best!!

The Future

I just made this video based upon my life. Do check it out and provide valuable Feedback upon it.. 
(Danix Akbar)
A fast Internet Connection will Help you reduce Waiting time as it Buffers first and then Plays throughout in a flow

Saturday 9 June 2012

Consistency - Defined

In the picture here A tap is dripping water Drop by Drop, Consistently...
Well it is our observation that after sometime the stone or floor on which the drops are falling will ultimately be penetrated or to some extent distorted..
Thats What i want to tell you all today;
No matter whats the Intensity of your efforts, but if they are being consistently applied, it will finally destroy the obstacles in its path and you will finally achieve what you desire...

Friday 8 June 2012

Siachen - Lt Col Tanveer

The Body of Lt Col Tanveer Was Found From the Avalanche in Gyaari Sector, Siachen..
He was a Soldier Who was most probably from District Chakwal..

An interesting Account of his Retrieval was heard at the Funeral (Namaaz-e-janaza) when it was related that his mother had specially advised the Pak army to search for Her Son's Body in the Masjid located in the Gyaari Sector, as he used to offer TAHJJUD prayer regularly..
And In a dream A night before the Incident her son came in his dream as well..
Sources claim that Lt col Tanveer's body was found in The Masjid and in the position of prostration (Sajda)..
What a Shahaadat for the What a Man!!
Salute To Pak army and its Officers!!

Sunday 27 May 2012

That awesome moment

That awesome moment when after a exhausting game of Soccer, you perform ablution and offer prayers..
It really takes away all the tiredness....

Friday 25 May 2012

How to Hack a facebook Account

Tisk Tisk Tisk!!
Why Dont you Guys Try to hunt For something a bit constructive!!
A typical Criminal Mind you got there.. :-p


Poetry is the Emotional Description of Feelings..

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Myers Brigg's Personality test

Take the Original MBTI Test to know your personality type and get yourself some self-awareness.. ;-)

>Personality test 1 (Carl Jung And Myer Briggs)
>Personality test 2 (

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Kailaashi God

The Temple
The Conifer

The Goat head in the House
The Place where the goat is sacrifised

When i went to Kailaash,
i learnt that the Kailaashi Worship the Goat as a God.
This Goat is the Pre-requisite of their life and religion..
They Sacrifice a goat Either They are happy or They are Sorrowed..
The Sacrifice the Goat in a place in their Homes and Throw a handful of blood to a little branch of Conifer in their Homes..
Statues of Goat-head are placed in their homes and even encarved on their doors..

Monday 14 May 2012



Sunday 13 May 2012

Chitral Scouts Mess

Its a fairy-tale adventure.. The sceneries, the building, the props...
And i loved the birds there..
They were Quite Friendly and they didnt fear humans at all..
Peacocks, Turkey, Pigeons and even Rabbits.....


The Valley of Chitral
Watch the Beauty of the Sceneries i have captured...

Lowaari Tunnel

Lowaari tunnel was dug by a Coalition of Pakistani workforce with a Korean Company..
the 9km long tunnel is Although still under construction as it lacks an exhaust system, perfect road and Plastic lining to stop the dripping water..

But an Experience of 30mins under the Huge Burden of Tonnes of Solid rock is really worth it...

I must Commend the End when after 29mins of Darkness when you Spot a little light at the far side of the cave, increasing and swelling into a a tunnel door..


Chakdarra Fort

Chakdarra Fort is occupied by the Chitral scouts within the vicinity of Chakdarra in Swat..
A construction of 1902 by the British, it is a perfect example of a mountain top Overviewing Castle Guarding the river..
Scout Towers, Dungeons And Pathways, all can be found in it...

Friday 4 May 2012


Faith and a Muslim Child

"Dad i want a packet of juice"
This was the request of a 4-year child who used to enjoy a packet of juice every evening but this eve, there was MORE to come..
"We 're all out of juice..
But i have an idea, Why dont you pray to Allah for a packet of juice yourself!"

Those Tiny little hands were raised as he sat on the Jae-namaz praying to Allah for it..

Then he went from room to room in the search of the fulfilment of his pray..

As he picked up the cushion of the sofa kept in the Drawing room, he found a packet of juice underneath it..
he thanked Allah and enjoyed it afterwards..

Today that kid knows that it was a deliberate PLOT by his father to instill Belief and Faith upon the Almighty, iside the heart of that child..
Yet he is proud, for today he Firmly believes in the Power of the Creator and the Administrator of the world..

And i Bet you'd be wondering Who that kid was......

Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Sneeze

When Almighty Allah created the body of Adam (a.s) and placed it on the Arsh, the angels used to be amazed and afraid of it, because they had never seen something like it. 

Then He placed the soul in Adam (a.s)'s body. 

When the soul reached his Nostrils, he SNEEZED.
When it reached his mouth he said "Alhamdulillah"

Then the Almighty said "Yarhamakullah"

In Arabic, Alhamdulillah means "May Allah bless you"
Yarhamakullah means "May Allah have Mercy upon you"

So it is the Sunnah of Adam (a.s) to say Alhamdulillah when you sneeze, and its the Sunnah of Allah to say yarhamakullah when you hear someone sneeze

I bet you didnt knew that before.....

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Portal Song!!

                       A lovely song to Listen to...

Your own ones!!

When you are wandering in a world of Unknowns and you suddenly happen to find someone who is from your country, religion or language, i Bet you would love that little feeling of "Belonging-ness" inside your heart..
Thats how i felt a few days back when after attending a call, talking in my native language, i was going downstairs when suddenly a familiar voice stopped me and asked 
"Where do you belong to ?? "
This question was followed by a little dialogue between us to when i realized that he was a guy from my village..
The aforesaid feeling was found inside me..
and i'd hope that you'd feel it once in your life for my words cant describe the intense happiness packed within it..

Siachen - A Humorous Incident

It has been related to me that there used to be a post in the mounts of Siachen where a strange and humorous  thing used to happen on every Wednesday..
Any soldier standing on guard  used to receive "Invisible Slaps" unless a sweet dish Halwa was prepared and kept there..
Not acceptable by the Materialists though, but the humor in this incident is what made me Blog it..

Friday 27 April 2012

Islam Observes no boundaries

Jummah Prayers... 
A Man enetered the masjid and sat besides me..
He Seemed to Be a Chinese from his Facial Looks....
As the khateeb concluded the Sermon (Taqreer) he also Stood up with us For Offering the Sunnah Prayers (sunnatein)..
At that moment i realized once again in my life that though he was from a differen part of the world, spoke a different language, had the impact of a different culture, and even looked different from us, But still he was a part of the Muslim Ummat, for he also Believed in 
 لا الہ الا اللہ محمد رسول اللہ

Thursday 26 April 2012

Siachen and Divine Help

اور تم اپنے رب کی کون کون سی رحمت کو جھٹلاو گے 

Once at Siachen, A small team of Pakistan Army was Patrolling in the icy weather at Night.. Suddenly One of the soldiers slipped and was about to fall in a crevice.. The other soldiers Fortunately caught his hand and rescued him from his Icy death..
 But in this Happening their Torch fell into the crevice..  It was the only torch in that group and as it was night so they couldnt  travel any further in the pitch dark.. Danger And Death were awaiting for them.
But then Almighty Allah sent them Heavenly Help.. 
From the pitchy dark horizon a light was seen coming towards them by leaps and bounds.. It frightened them at first but then they couldnt believe there eyes.. it was a snow-wolf with their torch in its mouth..

How did it get the Torch from that deep crevice of Thousands of meters??
How did it know that it was their torch??
How did it figure out that this team was sitting their waiting for divine help??
These questions still Make them ponder but I believe truely that it Was not merely a simple wolf, It was an Angel in Disguise, Sent by the Almighty for the Help of these Armymen..

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Missile Technology in Pakistan!!

The recent development and successful test of Agni-V by India is now being responded with Pakistan's Missile Test of  Shaheen A1 And its expected that this tustle has no ends..
Pakistan has been progressing in this field like Crazy.. But the cost paid for it is the progress of the Country.. 
As a common man, i do appreciate the development of advanced defensive weapons but the shift of concern must now turn towards the well-being of Pakistanis in this regard as the flaws in security systems, the lack of food, clothing and shelter, and finally the progress of its people..
Anyhow lets see wait and Watch...............!!!

Tuesday 24 April 2012


Goliyon Se Seena Pur Hua, Lahu Se badan Luan Hua, 

Ye Mudda He bas lamhon ka, k ab to main mehman hua, 
Bas Sa'at Hain Baqi kuch bachin, Safar he lagta Sadioyon Ka, 

Bas Kuch Hi lamhay dur mera, Pura Mera Armaan Hua, 
Manzil He ai Mazron Main, nazrain Hen Meri qabron Main, 

Ik aur Mujahid chala gaya, watan pe wo qurban hua, 
Mat Ashk bahana Hum watno, Ye mout Meri barat si he, 

Jaam-e-shahadat nosh kia, Is shaks Pe WO rehmaan Hua, 
Kia Rona Dhona Jaanon ka, Manzil To apni Moat Hi thi, 

manzil Mili maidaano me, Yai Hi mera Farman Hua, 
Waqt-e-hijr samajh k tum, Maayuus Na hona Ae Danish 

Daaim bana Shahadat se, Go Jism Mera Bejaan Hua. 

Danish Akbar.

Conquerors of the World

Allah Almighty Has Granted Four Men in The History With The Conquest Over the entire World.
>Two Infidels "Bakht Nasar" And "Namruud
> Two Momineen "Hazrat Sulaiman (A.s)" and "Zulqarnain ( also known as Iskandar or Alexander)".
> The Fifth Person is Yet to Come i.e Hazrat Imam Mehdi (A.s)

i) Bakht Nasar was a Ruler Who Killed, Captured And Deported Thousands Of  Bani Israeli's From Jerusalem and destroyed the City Of Jerusalem as well.

ii) Namrud was the most wealthy person in the world who was buried in the sand along with his treasure During The time of Hazrat Musa (A.s)

iii) Hazrat Sulaiman (A.s) was the Prophet of Allah who was Blessed with the Command Over All Animals, Jins and Nature itself.

iv) Zulqarnain is the one who is known to Confine Gog And Magog by building a strong Fortification around them.

v) Imam Mehdi (A.s) is the one Who will Come Before Doomsday and will fight the army of infidels And establish An Islamic Empire all over the World

Gog and Magog - Islamic Viewpoint

Zulqarnain Is also known As "iskandar" or Alexander in History of the world. He was one of the four lucky ones whom Allah had granted the the Conquest of the entire world, but the fifth conquerer is yet to come.
He was The Cousin of Hazrat Khizer (A.s). Both of these gentlemen travelled towards the West to Find "The Water Of Immoratality" or Aab-E-Hayat. Hazrat Khizer (A.s) was successful but somehow Zulqarnain was unable to drink it.

The Three Voyages:-
Anyhow he travelled further West, passing by various human settlements and finally came to a place where he found,  at Sunset time, the Sun setting into A black body of water. Here lived a Group of  Innumerable, Primitive and a Sort of Militant type Humans known as "Nasik". They were dressed in Animal skins and only ate Dead Meat and Fishes From the Sea. A part of this tribe was killed by Zulqarnain's army and a part of them who were blessed with the True Faith, were treated most kindly.
Then Zulqarnain travelled towards the East and when he got to the farthest point from where the sun seemed to Rise, he discovered another tribe of Men known as "Munsik". This tribe used to sleep during the day and after the sunset they used to wander out for food. The Same Treatment was adopted in this case as the one in the case of "Nasik" stated above.
Then He Travelled towards the north. In a valley between two mountains was another tribe which spoke an utterly strange language. Communicating with them Using Notations and gestures was quite difficult. The tribesmen Informed Zulqarnain About the attrocities of Gog And Magog "Yajuj Majuj" and requested for his immediate help.

    Gog and Magog:-
These Tribesmen are the Descendants of Yaafis Bin Nooh (A.s). Very Cruel, Militant, Brave and pitiless in nature. They Used to Come out of their Caves during Summer, Eating almost everything they laid their hands upon; Farms, trees, Animals big and small, even Snakes, Scorpions and Comaliens. During the winter they used to Live upon dried fruits and items.
Zulqarnain was offered Monetarily but he refused Saying that Allah Almighty has granted him with everything, instead he demanded That the Tribesmen Of the valley should come and join their army, thus providing Physical support.
His Army Built A Deep Foundation around the territory of Gog And Magog. It was so deep that water sprang out of the Ground. Then he Fixed Stones Inside it using Molten Bronze. Plates of Iron Were Inserted along with firewood and coal. Then it was set on fire till the blazes reached Mountain tops. Finally Bronze was again added to make the wall strong and indestructable. This Wall is The Only way that Separates "Gog and Magog" From the world.

   The Great Escape:-
According to Prophet Muhammad Saww, The Gog And Magog try to break the wall everyday but When they Reach the Final point, Someone Says "We will break it open Tommorow". By the Grace of the Almighty, when they arrive the next day, the wall returns to the original thickness. Just before Doomsday. one of those Tribesman would quote the same statement as "InshaAllah We will break it open Tommorow". And thus they will spur out causing chaos and destruction all over the world except Makkah, Medina, and Jerusalem.
The end of this tribe will owe to a Dua By Hazrat Isa (A.s), which will cause an worm producing infection in their necks and finally killing them
(Ref: para 16, Al-Kahaf, Verse 86-98)

The White hand

Besides The Staph, Hazrat Musa (A.s) was also Blessed With "The White Hand".
In the Pharoah's Court, Whenever He Used To put his hand inside His Collar, It came Out As White As Snow. On repeating The Procedure Again, It Returned Back To its original state and color.
(Ref: Para 12, Surah Ta'Ha, Verse 22.23)

Saturday 21 April 2012

Tragedies upon Tragedies

Oh God Please Forgive us..
A constantly repeatitive Phenomena of tragedies has been cast upon us..
Recently the two Incidents of 


                       BOJA CRASH

has greatly affected the perception of life of a common man...
135 deaths Under a sheet of Snow and
129 Due to Bolt of lightning...

And this list is never ending as we go chronologically in the past..
Target killings in the major parts of Pakistan Including 
Gilgit Baltistan ;
the ongoing operation in the western part of pakistan taking immense amount of lives and ammunitions on daily basis.
 The Bomb blasts in Peshawar were a common spectacle..
Moving further in the past, we have witnissed the Attacks on Naval base in Mehran, 
ISI HQ's blasts,
 GHQ attacks, 
Manawa Police station and so on and so forth..........

The List Grows on with every Sunrise and every sunset...
Its us who have invited the newer ways of punishments due to our deeds and sins...
Surely we are those who are wrong that is We are being presented with 

Tuesday 17 April 2012

Begger's And Their Stories

Tuesday, April 17th, 2012.

Travelling in the Hiace Towards my Hostel, a stop was made near a town called Sohawa, Pakistan. A black-beard, Well suited and Close-eyed person with a walking stick in his hand, caught my attention. He was walking towards our hiace. as he came closer, i realised that he was blinded. The conductor helped him to his seat, he gave Rs.10 as a fare to the Conductor and the Hiace moved on towards its Destination.
 After a while, that guy began to speak. He said that he had been blinded for over 8 years. The doctors had Entitled this blindness as permanent. He added that his Father was a Deaf and half-paralysed Old man, while his mother was a Sugar-patient. He had no siblings at all and the 3 of them were living on rent in Gujar Khan, Pakistan. He ended his speech with a Call for Help.
As he became Silent, everyone helped him Monetarily. After Pondering over his Sad story, i too gave him Some Rupees.
As the Journey Continued and Gujar khan came Closer and closer, i was totally engulfed in his story. A thought Struck me. 
"What if he was Lying or Pretending to be so?"
but then an inner Voice answered my question.
"You Shouldn't be bothered about that, Its your intention to help that matters and not the reality of his story"
What if He was lying? He cant definitely deceive The Almighty Allah, for Allah Knows the truths of the Universe and everything within it.
Our Niyyat is what matters. In the World hereafter, Allah will certainly reward those Who would have helped such people and believed their stories to be true. And for those "Pretenders", Well Allah Almighty knows best what He will do with them.
After this Dialogue between me and Someone Within me, the Hiace stopped, the man Left his seat and Was helped by the conductor towards the Sunny Footpath, while i kept staring at him till he vanished in the crowd at the Bus stop.