Wednesday 4 July 2012

Silent Love - Defined

Silent Love- defined
Have you ever had the feeling that you care for someone's Thinking?
That you Dont want to Have a bad impression in front of them?
That Your heart beat Rises when you see Him/her or when He/She Passes by you??

Three Straight "YEs" and You might be in love with that person.
But Believe me, It aint Love, it is Affection and Care..
This Affection and care when Intensifies results in love..

I KNOW A GUY, Who believes in Silent Love,
Not expressing what your feelings are, Directly.
Rather You give hints and omens that you love someone..
This type of Love is what inspired me..

You Go to your Loved-one and Address him
"excuse me!"
But when you recieve the attention from him/her, Words Just transfuse out of your mind and you just go blank and return Unsaid, Unheard, Unknown..!! 

Love is not what you bluntly Express, It gradually builds from the First Sight to the First word to the First Talk..

"Khuda aur Muhabbat" was a famous Pakistani Drama Made on this Concept of True Love and i do advise the readers to watch it, it will certainly clear the concept of WHAT LOVE ACTUALLY IS...

A final Word to the readers,
If you are Loving someone silently then Keep it up, A bit of patience and Truth will finally get your loved ones to know it..
But also Watch out for the Omens Other people might be silently sending you and you havent been considering them So far...