Sunday 27 May 2012

That awesome moment

That awesome moment when after a exhausting game of Soccer, you perform ablution and offer prayers..
It really takes away all the tiredness....

Friday 25 May 2012

How to Hack a facebook Account

Tisk Tisk Tisk!!
Why Dont you Guys Try to hunt For something a bit constructive!!
A typical Criminal Mind you got there.. :-p


Poetry is the Emotional Description of Feelings..

Wednesday 23 May 2012

Myers Brigg's Personality test

Take the Original MBTI Test to know your personality type and get yourself some self-awareness.. ;-)

>Personality test 1 (Carl Jung And Myer Briggs)
>Personality test 2 (

Wednesday 16 May 2012

The Kailaashi God

The Temple
The Conifer

The Goat head in the House
The Place where the goat is sacrifised

When i went to Kailaash,
i learnt that the Kailaashi Worship the Goat as a God.
This Goat is the Pre-requisite of their life and religion..
They Sacrifice a goat Either They are happy or They are Sorrowed..
The Sacrifice the Goat in a place in their Homes and Throw a handful of blood to a little branch of Conifer in their Homes..
Statues of Goat-head are placed in their homes and even encarved on their doors..

Monday 14 May 2012



Sunday 13 May 2012

Chitral Scouts Mess

Its a fairy-tale adventure.. The sceneries, the building, the props...
And i loved the birds there..
They were Quite Friendly and they didnt fear humans at all..
Peacocks, Turkey, Pigeons and even Rabbits.....


The Valley of Chitral
Watch the Beauty of the Sceneries i have captured...

Lowaari Tunnel

Lowaari tunnel was dug by a Coalition of Pakistani workforce with a Korean Company..
the 9km long tunnel is Although still under construction as it lacks an exhaust system, perfect road and Plastic lining to stop the dripping water..

But an Experience of 30mins under the Huge Burden of Tonnes of Solid rock is really worth it...

I must Commend the End when after 29mins of Darkness when you Spot a little light at the far side of the cave, increasing and swelling into a a tunnel door..


Chakdarra Fort

Chakdarra Fort is occupied by the Chitral scouts within the vicinity of Chakdarra in Swat..
A construction of 1902 by the British, it is a perfect example of a mountain top Overviewing Castle Guarding the river..
Scout Towers, Dungeons And Pathways, all can be found in it...

Friday 4 May 2012


Faith and a Muslim Child

"Dad i want a packet of juice"
This was the request of a 4-year child who used to enjoy a packet of juice every evening but this eve, there was MORE to come..
"We 're all out of juice..
But i have an idea, Why dont you pray to Allah for a packet of juice yourself!"

Those Tiny little hands were raised as he sat on the Jae-namaz praying to Allah for it..

Then he went from room to room in the search of the fulfilment of his pray..

As he picked up the cushion of the sofa kept in the Drawing room, he found a packet of juice underneath it..
he thanked Allah and enjoyed it afterwards..

Today that kid knows that it was a deliberate PLOT by his father to instill Belief and Faith upon the Almighty, iside the heart of that child..
Yet he is proud, for today he Firmly believes in the Power of the Creator and the Administrator of the world..

And i Bet you'd be wondering Who that kid was......

Wednesday 2 May 2012

The Sneeze

When Almighty Allah created the body of Adam (a.s) and placed it on the Arsh, the angels used to be amazed and afraid of it, because they had never seen something like it. 

Then He placed the soul in Adam (a.s)'s body. 

When the soul reached his Nostrils, he SNEEZED.
When it reached his mouth he said "Alhamdulillah"

Then the Almighty said "Yarhamakullah"

In Arabic, Alhamdulillah means "May Allah bless you"
Yarhamakullah means "May Allah have Mercy upon you"

So it is the Sunnah of Adam (a.s) to say Alhamdulillah when you sneeze, and its the Sunnah of Allah to say yarhamakullah when you hear someone sneeze

I bet you didnt knew that before.....

Tuesday 1 May 2012

Portal Song!!

                       A lovely song to Listen to...

Your own ones!!

When you are wandering in a world of Unknowns and you suddenly happen to find someone who is from your country, religion or language, i Bet you would love that little feeling of "Belonging-ness" inside your heart..
Thats how i felt a few days back when after attending a call, talking in my native language, i was going downstairs when suddenly a familiar voice stopped me and asked 
"Where do you belong to ?? "
This question was followed by a little dialogue between us to when i realized that he was a guy from my village..
The aforesaid feeling was found inside me..
and i'd hope that you'd feel it once in your life for my words cant describe the intense happiness packed within it..

Siachen - A Humorous Incident

It has been related to me that there used to be a post in the mounts of Siachen where a strange and humorous  thing used to happen on every Wednesday..
Any soldier standing on guard  used to receive "Invisible Slaps" unless a sweet dish Halwa was prepared and kept there..
Not acceptable by the Materialists though, but the humor in this incident is what made me Blog it..